Monday, October 15, 2007

Holly in "Good Housekeeping" Magazine

A few months ago, Good Housekeeping magazine requested readers' thoughts on Thanksgiving. Holly submitted a paragraph, which appears in the current issue (November 2007).

Holly wrote:

"Unlike other holidays, Thanksgiving has no costumes or fireworks, no cards or presents. There's nothing to distract from simple gratitude. We pause to thank God for things we don't often consider: food on the table, a roof over our heads, family. I look at each person seated around our table and feel more grateful than ever."

Holly feels deeply honored her words were selected for this publication, which reaches 26 million readers every month.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Holly to Blog for Today's Christian Woman

Beginning this month, Holly will be writing for "Walk With Me," the blog of Today's Christian Woman magazine.

"Walk With Me" is comprised of four sections: Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind. Holly will be writing the Mind section, with an emphasis on current events, hot topics, cultural trends, and financial matters. Her first post will appear on June 28, 2007.

Check out Holly's section of "Walk With Me" at:

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Evangelical Press Association Award

Holly was recognized in the Evangelical Press Association's (EPA) annual awards contest.

She received a fourth place award in the Freelance Article category for "Unearthing Unearthly TV," which appeared in the Sept/Oct 2006 issue of Today's Christian Woman magazine.

This is her second EPA award.